TechKut FT705 Chlorinated Cutting Oil



Key Features:


TechKut FT705 is a moderate viscosity, straight cutting oil designed for machining and forming ferrous metals. TechKut FT705 outperforms other cutting oils and is specifically designed to provide excellent finishes and tool life on a variety of metals.

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Typical Properties (Not Specifications):

Appearance Clear Amber Oil
Density (lbs/gal) 7.63
Viscosity (cSt at 40°C) 35
Copper Corrosion 4C

Health & Safety

TechKut FT705 is available at our Brighton, Michigan facility in 55-gallon drums, 330 gallon totes and 5 gallon pails.

Storage And Handling:  See Safety Data Sheet Before Use.  Use at room temperature.  Store at temperatures between 45°- 90°F.  Do not expose to extreme high temperature due to container rupture.  Do not pressurize drum or reuse empty container. Follow all safety regulations on label.

Non-Warranty:  While the information and recommendations sent forth herein are believed to be accurate as of the date thereof, Fortech Products, Inc. makes no warranty with respect thereto and disclaims all liability for reliance therein. 

Last Updated: 4/13/2020

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Features / Benefits

  • Low Evaporation
  • Excellent Corrosion Protection