TechKote WB 2525 S Water-Based Pipe Coating



TechKote WB 2525 S, is a sprayable, Direct-To-Metal, smoke colored water-based coating providing corrosion protection for industrial and pipe coating applications.

TechKote WB 2525 S  is not only fast drying, with good adhesion and early water resistance, but also does not contribute to VOC emissions, nor does it contain any lead, chrome or any Hazardous Air Pollutants.

Typical Properties (Not Specifications):

Appearance Slight Black Tint
Density 9.96 /gal
Viscosity Zahn #2 Signature: ~34 sec
Solids by Weight 52-57%
pH 8.0 - 9.0
VOC 0 lbs/gal

Health & Safety

TechKote WB 2525 S is available at our Brighton, Michigan facility in 55-gallon drums, 330-gallon totes and 5 gallon pails.

Storage And Handling:  See Safety Data Sheet Before Use.

Do not freeze. Store at temperature between 45-100 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not pressurize container or reuse empty container.

Non-Warranty:  While the information and recommendations sent forth herein are believed to be accurate as of the date thereof, Fortech Products, Inc. makes no warranty with respect thereto and disclaims all liability for reliance therein.

Last Updated:  10/19/2022

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Features / Benefits

  • VOC / HAP Free
  • Fast Dry
  • Excellent Adhesion
  • Corrosion Resistant
  • Smoked/Clear Appearance
  • Great Excellent Early Water Resistance

Mix / application & Use

Use as received.